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Training Program

Chaplaincy of Chirsitian Medical College Vellore provides three dimensionl spiritual care i.e Spiritual care to

the Patints, Students and Staff.

Dipoma In Clinical 
Pastoral Counselling
(a) To provide an understanding of healing and wholeness from a Christian perspective;
(b) To provide an awareness of and sensitivity to the various areas of need for healing;
(d) To impart skills in Pastoral care and Counselling;
(e) To enable the development of attitudes and sensitivity to relate oneself in depth to those in need;
The Counsel
Exposure to Hospital Chaplaincy






Palm Sunday Musicals
Passion Week Devotions
Easter Play
All Staff Retreat In English






All Staff Retreat In Tamil
All Freshers' Retreat
Community Dedication Service
Multilingual Carol Service






Annual Events
Training program on
Grief Counselling


  • This is 'in-staff' training program where CMC staff gets to develop counselling skill to cater to the spiritul and emotional need of people who go through the phase of 'Grief"





Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
Chaplaincy, Christian Medical College, Vellore offers one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
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